Preparing For A Visit To Your Cardiologist in Kendall
When you visit your Cardiologist in Kendall, you should know how to communicate with him or her. Beforehand, you can write down your symptoms, concerns or problems. If you've noticed changes in how you're feeling, make a note of when the change started. The following questions can help describe your symptoms and concerns:
- Do you have pain (such as chest pain)? If so, where?
- Is the pain constant, or does it come and go?
- Is it a sharp pain, a dull ache, tightness, pressure or a burning feeling?
- When and how often did you notice it? For example, does it happen before or after eating, when you get up in the morning, when you are resting or after physical activity?
- How long does it last — a few seconds or a few minutes?
- Does the symptom get worse when you're active? If so, what activities make it worse?
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